Ch2: Noah

    "Clayton, no elbows on the dining table!" Clay's mother scolded. He did not take his elbows off the table.

    "Clayton, no elbows on the table." His fake father yawned. He didn't really yawn, though. He was much too proper. Clay immediately took his elbows off the table and sat up straight.

    "Yes, Father," 

    Clay's mother glared enviously at his step-father. His mother had been his mother for his whole life, but even after three years, he did not know much about his step-father. To be honest, he was a bit afraid of him. Clay did like his mother, but he didn't often listen to her.

    There was a clink to the right of Clay. He looked up. His step-brother, Noah, had just finished eating. Clay quickly finished his cereal(much too improper for his step-father, who was eating steak first thing in the morning) and set down his spoon.

    "May we be excused?" Noah asked. Their mother nodded. Clay gave a sideways smile to Noah and Noah returned it. They got up and went out the front door together.

    They headed toward the garden, where they had built a fort out of dead branches, banana leaves, and twine. they went outside to the garden everyday to check on their secret hideout.

    "What do you want to do today?" Clay asked Noah. He always did what Noah wanted because he was a year younger than Clay and everyone knew Dixon King cared so much about his precious birth son, and almost not at all about his step-son. He didn't blame his brother, though. Noah was alright.

    "I don't really know...Something special, definitely, since you're leaving tomorrow,"

    It was true. Clay was leaving for his second year of Hogwarts tomorrow, but Noah was staying at King Castle for homeschooling. "It's like dad doesn't even remember I'm leaving," Clay grumbled.

    "Hey, I'm sure he's just trying not to think about how much he'll miss you!"

    "Yeah, right...Do you want to go treasure hunting?" Clay suggested, gesturing towards the dense forest surrounding the castle. Treasure hunting was one of the things they most liked to do together, but they never found any treasure, and they never used real maps.

    "That's not nearly special enough for your last day here!" Noah argued, but Clay was already running off in the direction of the forest trail.

    Clay turned around to see what was keeping Noah. "Come on!" He yelled. Then he turned around and continued down the trail, keeping an eye out for treasure.



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